
Showing posts from May, 2017

Condemn Confidently

A girl will look beautiful with a confident. Assalamualaikum and hye! Hari ni kita nak cakap pasal confident. Kita sebenarnya ada masalah confident tapi certain orang je boleh nampak. Yes, kita antara orang yang suka bercakap depan public, hv no probs on stage and tak kisah untuk suarakan pendapat. Dengar macam okay je kan, apa yang masalahnya. Masalahnya kita tak boleh bila orang label kita as benda yang kita tak suka. Sensitive, cepat sentap and easy take it something seriously. So, confident level akan menurun dan mood akan spoil. Pelik kan? Dua confident level yang berbeza. Berani untuk tonjolkan diri tapi tiada keyakinan untuk mendengar sebarang kutukan. Beza pula dengan kritikan, kita boleh hadap kalau orang tu cakap dengan baik tapi kalau nada sarkastik yang lebih kepada memperlekehkan, kita tak boleh. Sedih bila fikir diri sendiri keep thinking what other people said. Semua tu boleh buat kemurungan, nak menyendiri sebab salahkan diri sendiri walhal kita dah cuba buat yang

Suffering Law

 It's been a while I'm not updating my blog. My final exam had just passed. And all the time before i doing this entry, i slept with dreamt about my result.  Huhu, programming is really not my path. I can't understand what the machine language ask me to do. Fyi, machine language is create by woman. So no wonder it being so hard to understand.  Just forget about it. Think about the exam and programming make my heart racing in a marathon. Back to the topic. Idk, but this topic is quite interesting. Before you read this, i want to stress that i'm not being so clever to say that Malaysian rule is not good but i think some improvement of law need to do. I know it's quite boring but if you open your mind and think wisely, you will get what i want to say. I am so sad and sympathy towards the rape victims in Malaysia. Idk why this happen, but lately the rate of rape victims is increasing from day to day. And not suprising in 20 years later, all the citizens d